10 most adorable/cutes animals in the world

The world's cutest animals can trigger a powerful response in many of us: their adorable faces

Giant panda

A young giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) sits and eats bamboo. 


This cute nocturnal marsupial carries around its young in pouches in much the same way as their larger cousins


Galagos, also known as bush babies (due to their human baby-like cry)

Red panda

Red pandas live in mountain areas in Asia, hiding in trees and spending half of their lives asleep


While we admit that most animals on this list are furry mammals


This American pika (Ochotona princeps) was photographed near Mount Fremont

Sugar glider

Sugar gliders are a species of possum that, as the name suggests, can glide over relatively long distances for a small animal

Adélie penguin

the Adélie penguin – found in the Antarctic – is undeniably cute